The COCPA Educational Foundation awarded 31 scholarships to accounting students throughout the state of Colorado this summer. The scholarships provided by the Educational Foundation are not just financial support; they are investments in the future of the accounting profession. Each scholarship helps to relieve the financial burden on students, allowing them to focus more on their studies, professional development, and the path to CPA licensure.
One scholarship winner expressed his gratitude by sharing, “I am in the process of taking my second section of the CPA exam and this gives me so much motivation to keep going. Thank you for your generous support!”
Congratulations to all of those who were awarded an Educational Foundation scholarship:
Community College Accounting Transfer Scholarship:
BDO LLP Scholarship: Grace Creamer, University of Denver
Crowe Scholarship: Thomas Kononov, University of Denver
David Dirks Memorial Scholarship: Robert Pina, Metropolitan State University of Denver
Deloitte LLP Scholarship:
Eide Bailly LLP Scholarship: Kaitlin Wicklein, Colorado State University
EY LLP Scholarship: Leah Lester, University of Denver
Gordon Scheer Scholarship: Madalyn Brundage, University of Denver
Hugh C. Braly Scholarship: Derik Casstillo, University of Denver
KPMG LLP Scholarship: Noah Haselby, University of Denver
Mark and Victoria Smith Family Foundation Scholarship:
Mira J. Finé, CPA Scholarship: John Glawe, University of Colorado - Boulder
Moss Adams LLP Scholarship:
Otto and Betty Butterly Scholarship: Jordan Donaldson, Colorado Christian University
Past Presidents Scholarship: Berlin Lay, Colorado Mesa University
Plante Moran Scholarship:
PwC LLP Scholarship: Michael Preiss, University of Denver
Sam Cheris Memorial Scholarship: Rylee Vilhauer, University of Northern Colorado
Teresa Christensen Memorial Scholarship: Garrett Yackey, Colorado State University
General scholarships:
In addition to providing scholarships, the Educational Foundation of COCPA promotes accounting education in Colorado through several programs, including awards, mentorship opportunities, and outreach. Support the future of accounting by donating to the Educational Foundation today:
For more information on the Educational Foundation, contact executive director Abbey Aguirre at