Advocacy for CPAs

Advocating for you and our profession.

The COCPA represents your interests in the legislative and regulatory environments, assists with Colorado Department of Revenue challenges , and helps with State Board of Accountancy questions.

Recent Advocacy News and Updates

Legislative & Regulatory Involvement

Legislative and Regulatory Involvement

The foundation of COCPA’s involvement in local, state, and federal legislative initiatives is our commitment to amplifying the voices of Colorado’s CPAs.

We also represent you and your interests before the various boards and commissions that set regulatory standards for CPAs in Colorado.

Where we are active legislatively:

Count on our help in navigating the complexities of the regulatory landscape through our work with these agencies:

Which Issues Matter to You?

COCPA amplifies your voice to champion your interests. Share key issues or legislation affecting you, and we'll work to advocate effectively.

Please submit your feedback and let us know why.

Please submit your feedback and let us know why.

COCPA's advocacy team
Alicia Gelinas, CPA, President & CEO of COCPA, speaks with Senator Kirkmeyer at our PAC the House event. LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS EVENT & GET INVOLVED

How CPA-PAC and the CPA 1904 Small Donor Committee Helps You

The CPA Political Action Committee contributes to state legislative candidates who support a positive legislative environment for you, your clients, your employer, your organization, and other stakeholders.

What is CPA-PAC?
CPA-PAC, the CPA Political Action Committee, is a voluntary, nonprofit, unincorporated committee that enables you to easily become involved in the political process. Voluntary financial contributions to CPA-PAC support efforts to elect state legislative candidates of both major political parties who generally agree with and support the public interest objectives of the CPA profession. It is not affiliated with any political party or any other national or state political action committee.

How does CPA-PAC work?
The CPA-PAC Board determines which candidates and incumbents to support financially, with input from others involved in Colorado politics and legislative counsel. Contribute to CPA-PAC and support members of and candidates for the Colorado General Assembly who support good business.

CPA 1904 Small Donor Committee
The CPA 1904 Small Donor Committee offers opportunities for smaller donations to support Colorado legislative candidates, making it more affordable for younger professionals to become involved. Individuals who are U.S. citizens can contribute up to $50 per calendar year. Small Donor Committees in Colorado can donate to state House and Senate candidates, up to $2,675 for a primary election and $2,675 for a general election – a total of $5,350 per election cycle.

Bill Tracker

BILL TRACKER: Stay Up-to-Date on Key Legislation

Stay informed with real-time updates on crucial legislation from our partner, Hall & Evans LLC. Get comprehensive details on bills, including descriptions, sponsors, status, and any amendments.

Navigating CDOR and the State Board of Accountancy

If you need help resolving an issue with the Colorado Department of Revenue or the Colorado State Board of Accountancy, the COCPA can help.

To seek assistance with a Colorado Department of Revenue matter, first contact the CDOR Practitioner's Helpline (for practitioners ONLY) at 303-232-2419.

Colorado Department of Revenue
To seek assistance with a Colorado Department of Revenue matter, first contact the CDOR Practitioner's Helpline (for practitioners ONLY) at 303-232-2419. If you are unable to achieve resolution, please contact Alicia Gelinas, CPA, COCPA CEO,

Colorado State Board of Accountancy
For assistance with a Colorado State Board of Accountancy issue, our Membership Services Team is here to help! You can reach us at (303) 773-2877, or if you prefer, chat with us by clicking on the Chat icon in the lower right-hand side of our website.

COCPA Legislative Toolkit

Empower yourself as an advocate for the accounting profession with our comprehensive legislative toolkit.

Gain insights into navigating legislative processes with ease, including tips for effective communication, visiting legislators, and writing impactful letters. Access quick links and connect with COCPA Legislative Liaisons to amplify your advocacy efforts.

What Members Say

Diana Keener


To learn more about COCPA's advocacy efforts, contact Alicia Gelinas, CPA, President and CEO: | 303-741-8608.