CPE FAQs & Policies

Questions about CPE? We're here to help.

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How to Download your CPE Certificate

You can access your CPE certificate directly from your account by visiting the “My CPE” portal on COCPA.org.

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Log into cocpa.org using the email address associated with your account.
  2. Click on your name at the top of the site navigation. 
  3. Click My CPE History & Transcript under My Learning.
  4. If you haven’t taken the survey to verify your attendance, you can do so by clicking the Complete Survey button.
  5. Once you’ve verified your attendance, you can download your certificate directly from the CPE History by clicking the Download button next to the course.
  6. For course vendors other than COCPA, please refer to the directions that you received in your registration confirmation email.
  7. NOTE: Once you have a CPE certificate from another vendor, you can add that to your CPE History associated with your COCPA.org account.

How-To Videos for Accessing Your CPE

How to Navigate My Learning & CPE

How to Access Your CPE Certificate


See below to access quick references and tools regarding Colorado's regulations for the CPA profession.

What if I need to cancel a registration? How does COCPA handle CPE event registration transfers or requests for refunds? ⓘ

Are COCPA courses eligible for IRS Credit?

Are COCPA courses eligible for CFP Credit?

How many hours of CPE do I need in order to keep my certificate active according to the Colorado State Board of Accountancy? 

What are COCPA’s CPE requirements for members?

May I register at the course site on the day of the class?

Can I get CPE credit for attending college courses?

How do I get my class or conference approved for CPE credit?

I am teaching a course. Do I get CPE credit, and if so, how much?

Can I take all my CPE in one year?

How many self-study hours can I take to meet the CPE requirements?

What are the record-retention and documentation requirements for writing and teaching CPE programs?

I am a member of another state society but not a COCPA member. Can I get the COCPA member discount?

How do I request that specific courses be offered in my part of the state?

COCPA Complaint Resolution Policy

The COCPA is committed to providing you with the highest standards of service. There may be an occasion when we do not meet your expectations.

If that happens, please contact Lindsay Moore, Director of Operations, at lindsay@cocpa.org or 303-741-8618. She will respond within 24 hours and provide a resolution as soon as possible. We appreciate your participation in our programs and look forward to providing the excellent customer service that we strive to give.

Diana Keener


To learn more about CPE policies, contact COCPA Member Service Team: info@cocpa.org | 303-773-2877.