Member Publications

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NewsAccount Magazine

NewsAccount offers a deep dive into the issues that matter to CPAs in Colorado. Every issue is written and curated for you and those you serve. NewsAccount is available digitally to our members, who can read the latest issue below.

In the Fall 2024 issue:

  • Uniting the Profession to Strengthen the CPA Talent Pipeline
  • Remote Work Opportunities, Office Space Optimization Combine for Improved Efficiency
  • The Other Side of CPA | Blaise Wabo: Accounting + Technology = Career Success
  • Navigating Career Transitions: Strategies for Success
  • And more!

NewsAccount has gone digital! Watch your email for notification when each new quarterly issue is live.

Advocacy Team

Soluta quas itaque molestias distinctio tenetur voluptates.

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Deleniti sit nam veritatis praesentium voluptas nemo explicabo. Dolorem saepe impedit laboriosam aspernatur et culpa. Quo eum sed architecto voluptates libero iste velit. Aut recusandae et aperiam voluptas error expedita.<\/p>","

Qui autem debitis et itaque suscipit dolores aliquid. Et delectus sunt quibusdam. Dolores sunt vel quia facilis ut suscipit. Veritatis nobis maxime autem nemo eius. Laudantium nostrum hic et.<\/p>","

Quasi est vero odio eveniet ut. Totam quia ratione fugit asperiores.<\/p>","

Magnam et non iste et. Dignissimos voluptatem harum cupiditate. Unde aspernatur in et eum velit eaque.<\/p>","

Itaque corrupti odit dolores. Ducimus nulla laborum velit dicta nostrum explicabo. Harum voluptas rerum dicta cumque incidunt. Consectetur voluptas porro fuga cumque cupiditate architecto tempore. Officia doloribus in voluptatem libero modi natus odio.<\/p>"]

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NewsAccount magazine is viewable by members only.

Advocacy Team

NewsQuick Email Newsletter

NewsQuick is the COCPA’s AI-generated email newsletter, customized to your interests and designed to bring you a timely, comprehensive roundup of the latest accounting and business news, events, and resources.

COCPA members automatically receive NewsQuick. Visit Account Settings to view your Communication Preferences.

Diana Keener


To learn more about the COCPA's member publications, contact Kelli Davis, Content Specialist: | 303-741-8610