Signature events

Come together with your professional community.

Participate in the events that matter most to you. 

Featured Events

CPAs Make a Difference

Celebrate our Everyday Heroes and Heroines, Women to Watch and new Colorado CPAs.

Each and every day, away from the headlines, in businesses large and small across Colorado, and in others’ lives, CPAs make a difference.

Show your support for the profession and all the good that CPAs do by joining us at the annual CPAs Make A Difference Celebration.

Women's Summit

Stay tuned for 2025 Women's Summit details!

The annual COCPA Women’s Summit provides practical strategies for enhancing your personal and professional development. With so many successful, professional women in one place, you'll easily connect, engage, and gain new perspectives. Take advantage of networking opportunities throughout the day and learn from thought-provoking speakers on issues directly impacting women today.


An annual leadership program for CPAs and CPA-track accounting professionals.

Perhaps you’ve been wondering where to go to obtain the leadership tools and skills you need. Or, you know someone who’s got great potential and needs additional training in those ever-important interpersonal and supervisory skills to be well-positioned for promotion. Consider LeadFit 2024, sponsored by the Colorado Society of CPAs and designed specifically for CPAs and CPA-track accounting professionals who are looking to grow professionally and personally.

PEAK: The Colorado Accounting & Finance Summit

November 12-13, 2025

Join us at the inaugural PEAK Colorado Accounting and Finance Summit, November 12–13, 2025, where CPAs, financial leaders, and accounting professionals from across Colorado will come together for an immersive experience of learning, networking, and collaboration.

Better Together Tour

Amplify - Turning Up the Volume on the Future of the Accounting Profession

We want to hear from you. This is your chance to be engaged, face to face, with your COCPA and to get informed about the profession outside of your own practice. We are coming to you so that we can find out what matters to you. Click here if you have questions or discussion points you want to ensure are brought up during the Better Together Tour.

Use your voice to shape the COCPA. Share your challenges. Ask your questions. Know your leadership. Bring a friend.

Interested in reaching CPAs and accounting professionals? Learn about event sponsorship opportunities.

Click here for more information.

These conferences, hot-topic seminars, and unique membership events offer focused knowledge and new perspectives to help you better serve your clients, organization, and employer.

Diana Keener


To learn more about COCPA's signature and featured events, contact Tiffany Carson, CPE Operations Manager: | 303-741-8621