Ethics Requirements & Courses

Find everything you need to meet your Colorado ethics CPE requirement.

Earning and maintaining your Colorado CPA license means adhering to these important rules.


Ethics Requirements Summary

Getting licensed

If you are not yet licensed

If you are not yet licensed

Initial licensure

Right after you receive your license

  • How to complete: COCPA offers this course in person and online, including an on-demand format.

Right after you receive your license

  • How to complete: COCPA offers this course in person and online, including an on-demand format.

After licensure

In years following your first license renewal

  • Requirement: You must complete four hours of ethics CPE every reporting period, of which two hours may be in Colorado Rules and Regulation (CR&R). This can include regulatory ethics, behavioral ethics, or a combination of the two.**
  • How to complete: COCPA offers year-round ethics courses, in person, online, and on-demand.

**NASBA Field of Study list and descriptions

In years following your first license renewal

  • Requirement: You must complete four hours of ethics CPE every reporting period, of which two hours may be in Colorado Rules and Regulation (CR&R). This can include regulatory ethics, behavioral ethics, or a combination of the two.**
  • How to complete: COCPA offers year-round ethics courses, in person, online, and on-demand.

**NASBA Field of Study list and descriptions

Reciprocal licensure

If you are licensed in another state and wish to obtain a reciprocal Colorado license

  • Requirement: You must complete and pass the two hours of Colorado Rules and Regulations (CR&R) within six months immediately preceding or following the date on which the Board grants the initial certificate, and Professional Ethics: The AICPA’s Comprehensive Course (PE) (if you didn’t take it as a part of your initial licensure) within two years immediately preceding the application date. If you are taking the course toward earning your Colorado CPA license, you must pass this course with a score of 90% or higher.

If you are licensed in another state and wish to obtain a reciprocal Colorado license

  • Requirement: You must complete and pass the two hours of Colorado Rules and Regulations (CR&R) within six months immediately preceding or following the date on which the Board grants the initial certificate, and Professional Ethics: The AICPA’s Comprehensive Course (PE) (if you didn’t take it as a part of your initial licensure) within two years immediately preceding the application date. If you are taking the course toward earning your Colorado CPA license, you must pass this course with a score of 90% or higher.

On-Demand Ethics Courses

The Ethic of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion ©

Embracing and cultivating Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in the workplace IS Ethics at Work!

How Much Are Your Ethics Worth?

What do we mean by ethics? In this course, we'll discover what sets ethics apart and, therefore, sets the profession apart as well.

Colorado State Board of Accountancy Statutes, Rules, and Regulations (CR&R)

This video program meets the CR&R requirement for new certificate holders within 6 months of licensure.

Please note that each of the COCPA courses expires one year from the purchase date. You may start and stop a course at will.

Diana Keener


To learn more about ethics requirements and courses, contact COCPA Member Service Team: | 303-773-2877.