
Member Appreciation Day: A COCPA Member Benefit with a Measurable ROI is Just Around the Corner

We at the COCPA often hear members asking at membership renewal time, “What do I get for my dues?” Coming from accounting professionals who deal with value on a daily basis, this question makes perfect sense. And while we can list off plenty of benefits and engagement opportunities, the one that seems to resonate the most with many of our members is Member Appreciation Day

For the cost of $0 (that’s right – free for COCPA members), you can earn up to 13 hours of CPE over the course of two days, May 21-22. In fact, COCPA members can earn 20+ free hours of CPE credit throughout 2024. When you do the math, your membership dues ROI is quite favorable, coming in at less than $25/hour. Add in opportunities like special interest groups, Connect (24/7/365 access to the insights and expertise of your peers), Verifyle (secure messaging and unlimited document signing), and all the latest news and issues affecting the profession in publications such as NewsAccount and NewsQuick, and saying yes to continuing your COCPA membership becomes an easy decision. 

Not familiar with all of these benefits? Give us a call at 303-773-2877 or reach out on We’re more than happy to walk you through it. 

Most importantly, don’t miss out on the COCPA’s Spring Member Appreciation Day, May 21-22, which is right around the corner. Don’t delay – click here to register. Attend all, or just a portion of, the 13 hours of free CPE available on these two days. 

We look forward to seeing you online.


Derrol Moorhead