What is a Technical Review?
The purpose and role of a technical review is to ensure technical accuracy and sufficiency for CPE credits in accordance with NASBA standards for all COCPA programs.
In order to present a program for the COCPA, we require presentations to be technically reviewed. A review of the program will:
Qualifications of content reviewers:
Individuals or teams must be qualified in the subject matter of the program to review the content. The intent of the review is to serve as a quality control procedure to ensure the course content is accurate and current as well as appropriate for CPE.
Technical Review Form:
Please click here to review the form that must be completed by the technical reviewer.
For more information, or to become a reviewer, please contact Tiffany Carson at tiffany@cocpa.org.
In rare circumstances, it may be impractical to review certain programs in advance. In those rare circumstances, greater reliance should be placed on the recognized professional competence of the instructor or presenter, and the basis for the lack of content review must be documented.
To learn more, contact Tiffany Carson, CPE Operations Manager: tiffany@cocpa.org | 303-741-8621