Learn from the experts with this video-based, on-demand learning experience. Set yourself apart and get the tools and strategies you need to sharpen your skills in not-for-profit (NFP) governance and assurance. The program builds on the core concepts as you get insights from industry leaders.
Learn how to measure performance, create a controllable budget, and drive the strategic planning process to achieve mission success. Also discussed are ethical issues, techniques to assess risks, and application of the COSO ERM Framework to develop a risk response strategy in the NFP environment.
This CPE program contains e-learning exercises, targeted case studies, and detail-rich interpretations to create a flexible, dynamic learning experience you can complete online in your own time.
Courses Included
- Aligning Mission and Strategy
- Budget Considerations for Not-for-Profits
- Ethical Issues in Not-for-Profits
- Performance Measurement for Not-for-Profits
- Applying the COSO ERM Framework
- Risk Assessment for NFP