Learn from the experts with this video-based, on-demand learning experience. Set yourself apart and get the tools and strategies you need to Learn from the experts with this video-based, on-demand learning experience. Set yourself apart and get the tools and strategies you need to sharpen your skills in not-for-profit (NFP) financial reporting. The program builds on core concepts as you get insights from industry leaders. You will learn techniques to successfully prepare an NFP’s financial statements, assess relationships with other not-for-profit and for-profit organizations to determine if consolidation is required, and interpret and analyze a set of NFP financial statements. This self-paced program contains e-learning exercises, targeted case studies, and detail-rich interpretations to create a flexible, dynamic learning experience you can complete online in your own time.
Courses Included
- Statement of Financial Position
- Statement of Activities
- Statement of Cash Flows
- Statement of Functional Expenses
- Financial Statement Note Disclosures for NFPs
- Interpreting and Analyzing Financial Statements
- Preparing Consolidated Financial Statements