Paul Neiffer
Paul G. Neiffer, CPA, Principal, AgriBusiness Group, CliftonLarsonAllen LLP
Paul Neiffer is an Agribusiness Certified Public Accountant and business advisor specializing in income taxation, accounting services, and FSA planning related to farmers and processors.
Experience in serving clients: Works with farmers and processors providing income tax advice and compliance services. Actively consults with farm families on succession planning issues and opportunities. Helps farmers understand the proper use of accounting systems to more profitably run their business. Helps structure farm operations to maximize FSA opportunities.
Technical expertise: Paul Neiffer obtained his CPA certificate in 1984.
Educational/professional involvement: Paul Neiffer graduated from the University of Washington with a Business Administration Degree (concentration accounting) in March, 1983 and has also completed various upper level income taxation classes sponsored by Golden Gate University.
Paul is president of the Farm Financial Standards Council ( which is the premier organization promoting the use of accrual basis financial statements for agricultural producers.
Paul authors a monthly column for Top Producer magazine called “The FarmCPA”.
Paul has written several articles for various farm magazines and media outlets and instructs many
CPAs and CPA firms across the US. Paul is the primary author of the blog which reports several times a week on items specific to the Ag Industry.
Paul is a nationally recognized speaker on many subjects related to farmers including (1) tax planning, (2) estate tax and succession planning, (3) farm management accounting, (4) farm bill and many other related topics.
Paul grew up on a farm in Walla Walla County, Washington and still enjoys heading home each to summer to operate the combine for his cousins (this is his idea of a vacation).
This session will help practitioners recognize unique tax opportunities and pitfalls for taxpayers in the agriculture industry. Our education sessions give tax professionals a forum to discuss current issues affecting their farm and ranch clients.
Learn about current developments in farm tax compliance and planning
2 years of experience with farm tax return preparation.
Tax practitioners representing farmers and ranchers who need to be aware of new federal tax legislation, IRS guidance, and recent court decisions.