New Year, New Digs, New Opportunities: The COCPA is Moving!

A new year often brings a fresh perspective, and 2025 is no exception. In the winter 2025 issue of NewsAccount, COCPA Chair Toby Clary, CPA, shares the exciting news of the Society’s upcoming move to new office space.
The move, which follows an extensive six-month search and analysis by a committee of COCPA members, takes the COCPA from its current location, on Belleview Ave. in Englewood, to new digs in the Galleria Office Towers, just north of I-25 and Colorado Blvd.
Clary notes that with the Society’s existing lease expiring March 31, 2025, it was the perfect time to take a look at what the COCPA needs as an organization – for both members and staff. The search committee considered what has changed about the way that members and staff work, interact, and connect in an office environment.
The new space in Denver’s Galleria Office Towers offers a collaborative feel, is better suited to today’s hybrid work environment, and best of all, will provide the perfect setting in which to bring our membership together.
Watch for updates in the coming months as the move comes together. We look forward to welcoming you and continuing to provide world-class service and value to our members.
COCPA Chair Toby Clary is a shareholder with Soukup, Bush & Associates, CPAs, P.C., in Fort Collins. Read his full Chair Column in the newly released winter 2025 issue of NewsAccount.
Plus, a sneak peek of the new space with COCPA CEO, Alicia Gelinas, CPA: