Practice Management

The Art of Disengagement: Formal, Well-Executed Communications Help Protect Against Liability Exposure

Disengagement is an art form, and skillfully handled transitions are mutually beneficial to firms and clients alike. 

It’s important to exercise care when disengaging once an engagement has begun. Disengaging too late and without sufficient cause may increase the likelihood that your firm could face allegations of damages if the successor is unable to meet the deadline at hand. 

Whether you decide to disengage a specific client, type of business, or area of practice, it is extremely important to terminate relationships professionally, formally, and in writing. At a minimum, your disengagement letter should always contain clear statements, a description of your work, and a list of any due dates or filings. 

When executed with skill and professionalism, disengagements are an important risk-management tool that will help grow your practice and avoid potential liability exposure.

Visit the members-only COCPA Resource Center for two sample disengagement letters provided by COCPA Platinum Partner CAMICO, each customizable and usable as your firm’s circumstances dictate:

Learn more about disengagement best practices by reading the article, The Dos and Don’ts of Disengaging. Visit CAMICO's members-only site for additional sample letters within its Engagement Letter Resource Center.

Along with comprehensive professional liability insurance coverage that helps firms reduce their malpractice exposure, COCPA Platinum Partner CAMICO offers practice and risk management services, expertise, and resources at no additional cost to policyholders. Click here to learn more