Explore six important Excel functions that enable us to automate a variety of tasks, as well as continue to integrate these functions as we proceed throughout the series. This is part 3 of a 10-part series Module 1: Fundamental Features Module 2: Fundamental Functions, Concepts, Techniques Module 3: Six Critical Excel Functions Module 4: Handling Errors and Comparing Lists Module 5: Date and Text Functions Module 6: Time-Saving Techniques Module 7: Introduction to PivotTables Module 8: PivotTable vs. Formula-Based Reports Module 9: PivotTable Wrap-Up and Web Data Module 10: Getting, Preparing and Summarizing Data
Learning Objectives
• Identify the keyboard shortcut for evaluating formula text.
• Recall the arguments for the SUMIFS function.
• Recognize the Excel feature that removes duplicate values within a range.
Major Topics
• Conditional summing basics with SUMIFS
• Remove duplicates
• Lookup basics
• Improving VLOOKUP with MATCH
• Improving VLOOKUP with VALUE and TEXT
• Moving beyond VLOOKUP with INDEX