Walter Haig
Walter J. Haig II, CPA, owns his own CPA firm in Creston, Wash. He has extensive experience in auditing, accounting and advisory services and family-owned businesses. He is also a highly regarded consultant in cases involving accountant's malpractice. Walter lectures nationally in the areas of auditing, accounting, compilation and review services, personal financial statements, forecasts and projections and personal financial planning. His skills as an instructor have won him the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) "Outstanding Discussion Leader Award" five times and the Washington Society of CPAs (WSCPA) "Highest Rated Instructor Award" six times. The WSCPA "Discussion Leader of the Year Award" was named in his honor in 1990. Walter is the author of 10 highly rated continuing professional education courses that are being utilized on a national basis. He has served on various AICPA and WSCPA task forces and committees in the areas of auditing, personal financial planning and continuing education.
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The major topics that will be covered in this class include: