Secure your spot at the COCPA’s exclusive PAC the House event.

Be one of the few to represent the Colorado accounting profession by investing in the CPA Political Action Committee (CPA-PAC) and spending the day at the Colorado State Capitol with the COCPA.

Together, we’ll experience firsthand the legislative process as we demonstrate our professional community’s advocacy presence, all while building the CPA-PAC’s financial capacity to support future legislators from both major parties who support a positive legislative environment for you, your clients, your employer, your organization, and other stakeholders.

Your participation in this event ensures accounting & finance professionals have a voice when passing legislation in Colorado and paves the way to a better future for our profession.

Download Our Legislative Handout

During our visit, we meet with legislators and present this brochure, detailing the CPA profession and its key concerns.


2025 PAC the House Event Agenda & Highlights

Meet us at Colorado State Capital 200 E Colfax Ave, Denver, CO 80203

8:00 AMIntroductions and Legislative Process Education
COCPA and Participant Introductions
Rules & Etiquette at the Capital 
Legislative Education 
What Does the CPA-PAC Do?
What is Lobbying and How Does it Work?
History of CPA "Wins"
Current Issues & Discussion on Which Issues CPAs Care About
9:00 AMHouse and Senate Convene - Potentially on House Floor
10:00 AMTBD Committee Meeting Upon Adjournment & Meetings with Legislators (as available)
11:30 AM Lunch Break
1:00 PMTBD Committee Meeting & Additional Meetings with Legislators (if available)
2:00 PMOptional Capital Tour

How CPA-PAC Works

The CPA-PAC is a voluntary, nonprofit committee supporting candidates from both major parties aligned with CPA profession goals, independent of any political affiliation.

The CPA-PAC Board selects candidates for financial support based on input from Colorado political figures and legal counsel. Your contributions aid members and Colorado General Assembly candidates who advocate for good business.

COCPA Legislative Toolkit

Empower yourself as an advocate for the accounting profession with our comprehensive legislative toolkit.

Gain insights into navigating legislative processes with ease, including tips for effective communication, visiting legislators, and writing impactful letters. Access quick links and connect with COCPA Legislative Liaisons to amplify your advocacy efforts.


We are committed to advocacy, and believe that the work we do today will make future CPAs proud of this profession too. I invite YOU to join us on this advocacy journey."

Alicia Gelinas, CPA

COCPA President and CEO

Supporting Candidates Who Support CPAs

The CPA-PAC is a non-partisan entity that supports lawmakers from both parties who share its priorities, fostering open dialogue on critical issues and safeguarding the interests of the accounting profession. Below are some of the candidates with whom CPA-PAC has established relationships and who have received its support.

Robyn CarnesMarc Snyder
George MummaCleave Simpson
Scott Bright
Marc Catlin
Rebekah Stewart
Dan Woog
Katie Stewart
Lindsay Gilchrist
Gretchen Rydin
Rebecca Keltie

Get Involved

Space is limited to 15 seats! Register now to secure your spot.